Our EMAP database presentation and first models paper is out
The paper describing our Emotional Arousal Pattern databas with EEG and psychophysiological as well asmoment-by-moment self report data is now out in the journal Psychopthysology (Open access).
[udated September 25 2023]
The paper describing our Emotional Arousal Pattern databas with EEG and psychophysiological as well asmoment-by-moment self report data is now out in the journal Psychopthysology (Open access).
[udated September 25 2023]
Review paper collaboration on empathy and psychopathy
Driven by Raymond Ho (Man Him) and Benjamin Kemp and in collaboration with Ronald Rijnders this suggestion for a neuroclinical test battery to assess mature empathy (for example in psychopathy) is now published. Looking forwrad to any related research coming out of this.
[updated May 24 2023]
Driven by Raymond Ho (Man Him) and Benjamin Kemp and in collaboration with Ronald Rijnders this suggestion for a neuroclinical test battery to assess mature empathy (for example in psychopathy) is now published. Looking forwrad to any related research coming out of this.
[updated May 24 2023]
Our first paper based on the EMAP Dataset is out
Harisu and Matt used machine learning models to predict autonomic nervous system activity (heart rate and skin conductance) from EEG frequence bands of participants watching emotional videos, moment-by-moment. You can find the paper here.
The related open dataset can be found here: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/psyc/research/emap-open-database
[updated April 16 2023]
Harisu and Matt used machine learning models to predict autonomic nervous system activity (heart rate and skin conductance) from EEG frequence bands of participants watching emotional videos, moment-by-moment. You can find the paper here.
The related open dataset can be found here: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/psyc/research/emap-open-database
[updated April 16 2023]
New paper out: Humans better in categorizing masked facial expressions, AI better in unmasked ones
Harisu's study comparing trained AI and humans in categorizing emotional facial expressions with full or partical face masks and sunglasses is now piblished - see here
[updated October 19 2022]
Harisu's study comparing trained AI and humans in categorizing emotional facial expressions with full or partical face masks and sunglasses is now piblished - see here
[updated October 19 2022]
New project under way: Wiri - Better models of Human Emotion for Interactive Media
Our new project with Areito Echevarria and Nicola Hyland investgates ways to model human emotional behaviour with and for Māori game developers. 3years funded by MBIE Smart Ideas.
[updated January 24 2022]
Our new project with Areito Echevarria and Nicola Hyland investgates ways to model human emotional behaviour with and for Māori game developers. 3years funded by MBIE Smart Ideas.
[updated January 24 2022]
Study by former graduated PhD student Martina Testori out
Martina showed with her simulation of pychopathic traits as selfish risk-seekers that those traits play out helpful for them in challenging environments, and in some conditions, wen there are enough generous other people in the community even for the community at large. Now in press with PLosONE.
[updated on Janury 24 2022]
Martina showed with her simulation of pychopathic traits as selfish risk-seekers that those traits play out helpful for them in challenging environments, and in some conditions, wen there are enough generous other people in the community even for the community at large. Now in press with PLosONE.
[updated on Janury 24 2022]
New review paper on psychopathic personality in women
Great paper by John Tully, was a pleasure to collaborate on this review describing how the challenges in research about women and psychopathy could be addressed. You can find the paper here.
[updated January 6 2022]
Great paper by John Tully, was a pleasure to collaborate on this review describing how the challenges in research about women and psychopathy could be addressed. You can find the paper here.
[updated January 6 2022]
New paper on reactions to acute stress and Externalising
Shown by our colleagues at the University of Regensburg and the leading PhD student Julian Konzok: lower Cortisol response to acute stress in those high on Externalising, mainly in males and related to lower prefrontal and hippocampal activation. See the paper here.
[updated September 6 2021]
Shown by our colleagues at the University of Regensburg and the leading PhD student Julian Konzok: lower Cortisol response to acute stress in those high on Externalising, mainly in males and related to lower prefrontal and hippocampal activation. See the paper here.
[updated September 6 2021]
New paper by Harisu Abdullahi Shehu out
Harisu is showing that using landmarks for artificial emotion categorisation for faces is less affected by image distortions (attacks). Check out the online paper here.
[updated August 20 2021]
Harisu is showing that using landmarks for artificial emotion categorisation for faces is less affected by image distortions (attacks). Check out the online paper here.
[updated August 20 2021]
New piece in The Conversation
Check out this new piece, put together by Harisu on his work on emotional facial expression categorization HERE
[updated August 6 2021]
Check out this new piece, put together by Harisu on his work on emotional facial expression categorization HERE
[updated August 6 2021]
New paper on externalizing, internalizing and psychopathic traits
On gender (in-)variance of the relationship between psychopathic traits, externalizing (aggression) and internalizing - great collaboration with Brigitte Kudielka, Stefan Wüst, Claire Hart and Johanna Zechmeister and available here
[updated July 29 2021]
On gender (in-)variance of the relationship between psychopathic traits, externalizing (aggression) and internalizing - great collaboration with Brigitte Kudielka, Stefan Wüst, Claire Hart and Johanna Zechmeister and available here
[updated July 29 2021]
Now published: "The role of psychopathic traits in explaining associations between childhood traumatic experiences and aggression"
This paper assessed the relationship between traumatic experiences, aggression and the triarchic model of psychopathy - great collaboration with Carlo Garofalo! Here is the link.
[updated April 4 2021]
This paper assessed the relationship between traumatic experiences, aggression and the triarchic model of psychopathy - great collaboration with Carlo Garofalo! Here is the link.
[updated April 4 2021]
New paper out: Harisu Abdullahi Shehu's work on Sequential Voting for Emotion categorisation from facial expressions
This shows how a sequential voting technique can improve classification of emotion categories in facial expressions: find the full text here
[updated 14 December 2020]
This shows how a sequential voting technique can improve classification of emotion categories in facial expressions: find the full text here
[updated 14 December 2020]
New paper out on the Better-than-average-effect
Collaboration with Sarah Taylor, Mark Alicke and Constantine Sedikides, showing that imprisoned individuals showed subtle denial and self-enhancing comparisons, externalizing blame was linked to psychopathic traits (SCI), you can find the online first version here.
With great sadness this publication comes out while our collaborator Mark Alicke, just passed away. Such a loss for the field.
[updated October 2020]
Collaboration with Sarah Taylor, Mark Alicke and Constantine Sedikides, showing that imprisoned individuals showed subtle denial and self-enhancing comparisons, externalizing blame was linked to psychopathic traits (SCI), you can find the online first version here.
With great sadness this publication comes out while our collaborator Mark Alicke, just passed away. Such a loss for the field.
[updated October 2020]
WELCOME to our two new PhD students
Aaron Hissey and Natasha Knack started their PhD journeys in our lab - stay tuned about their research projects...
[updated October 20 2020]
Aaron Hissey and Natasha Knack started their PhD journeys in our lab - stay tuned about their research projects...
[updated October 20 2020]
Conference paper accepted: "An Adversarial Attacks Resistance-based Approach to Emotion Recognition from Images using Facial Landmarks"
Harisu showed in this paper that using facial landmarks (eyes, corner of the mouth etc.) in machine based emotion categorisation is more robust to image changes than classical RGB type of approaches. Congrats, Harisu!
[updated October 20 2020]
Harisu showed in this paper that using facial landmarks (eyes, corner of the mouth etc.) in machine based emotion categorisation is more robust to image changes than classical RGB type of approaches. Congrats, Harisu!
[updated October 20 2020]
Manuscript accepted: "The role of psychopathic traits in explaining associations between childhood traumatic experiences and aggression"
This paper assessed the relationship between traumatic experiences, aggression and the triarchic model of psychopathy - great collaboration with Carlo Garofalo! Accepted by Journal of Personality Disorders - watch the space for the online version here.
[updated August 21 2020]
This paper assessed the relationship between traumatic experiences, aggression and the triarchic model of psychopathy - great collaboration with Carlo Garofalo! Accepted by Journal of Personality Disorders - watch the space for the online version here.
[updated August 21 2020]
Funding from the Royal Society Catalyst Leaders program
We received funding to collaborate with Prof. Adrian Raine to investigate brain-related treatment strategies for individuals with offending behaviour.
[updated June 14 2020]
We received funding to collaborate with Prof. Adrian Raine to investigate brain-related treatment strategies for individuals with offending behaviour.
[updated June 14 2020]
Our lab published a commentary
Caitlin, Manju, Kelly and Hedwig wrote a commentary on the paper "Fledgling psychopaths at midlife: Forensic features, criminal careers, and coextensive psychopathology" in the Journal Forensic Science International: Mind and Law and the authors of the original paper wrote a reply.
[updated June 14 2020]
Caitlin, Manju, Kelly and Hedwig wrote a commentary on the paper "Fledgling psychopaths at midlife: Forensic features, criminal careers, and coextensive psychopathology" in the Journal Forensic Science International: Mind and Law and the authors of the original paper wrote a reply.
[updated June 14 2020]
Paper published: a collaboration with Dominik Liebl and colleagues
Collaborating with the Statistics colleagues at the University of Bonn was fruitful: we got a paper now available online at Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: B.
[updated July 14 2020]
Collaborating with the Statistics colleagues at the University of Bonn was fruitful: we got a paper now available online at Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: B.
[updated July 14 2020]
Dr. Martina Testori has completed her PhD
Congratulations to this amazing set of studies and curious to see what you are up to in your new lab.
[updated March 27 2020]
Congratulations to this amazing set of studies and curious to see what you are up to in your new lab.
[updated March 27 2020]
Paper out on pain processing in different ethnic groups:
Project lead by Elizabeth Losin and conducted with Tor Wager's group: Neural and Sociocultural Mediators of Ethnic Differences in Pain, now out in Nature Human Behaviour
[updated February 4 2020]
Project lead by Elizabeth Losin and conducted with Tor Wager's group: Neural and Sociocultural Mediators of Ethnic Differences in Pain, now out in Nature Human Behaviour
[updated February 4 2020]
Critical evaluation of substance misuse treatment in populations with offending behaviour:
Paper written with Sue Schenk and Louise Dixon accepted at Forensic Science International: Mind and Law and preprint online
[updated January 29 2020]
Paper written with Sue Schenk and Louise Dixon accepted at Forensic Science International: Mind and Law and preprint online
[updated January 29 2020]
Collaboration with colleagues in Regensburg:
paper accepted on a combination of the Trier Social Stress Task and the Taylor Aggression Paradigm:
Validation of a monetary Taylor Aggression Paradigm: associations with trait aggression and role of provocation sequence in Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
[updated January 21 2020]
paper accepted on a combination of the Trier Social Stress Task and the Taylor Aggression Paradigm:
Validation of a monetary Taylor Aggression Paradigm: associations with trait aggression and role of provocation sequence in Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
[updated January 21 2020]
Our paper on psychopathic traits and cooperation behaviour in the PDG now available online:
The Journal of Individual Differences accepted our manuscript - great work by Martina Testori based on data collected by Max Kempf! Here is the link for the in press version.
[updated June 17 2019]
The Journal of Individual Differences accepted our manuscript - great work by Martina Testori based on data collected by Max Kempf! Here is the link for the in press version.
[updated June 17 2019]
New piece on Martina's study on group behaviour and psychopathic traits
Now on The Conversation
[updated June 14 2019]
Now on The Conversation
[updated June 14 2019]
Amy Boyson successfully passed her PhD viva!
Congratulations to finishing this project !! And all the best for your new job!
[updated March 1 2019]
Congratulations to finishing this project !! And all the best for your new job!
[updated March 1 2019]
Meta-analysis paper on autonomic nervous system correlates of conduct problems accepted
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews just accepted our meta-analysis, great collaboration with Sam Cortese, Kostas Fanti, Junhua Zhang, Poppy Goble, Chara Demetriou, Billy Bobak, Daniel Goodwin and Melina Nicole Kyranides! Now available online HERE.
[updated March 05 2019]
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews just accepted our meta-analysis, great collaboration with Sam Cortese, Kostas Fanti, Junhua Zhang, Poppy Goble, Chara Demetriou, Billy Bobak, Daniel Goodwin and Melina Nicole Kyranides! Now available online HERE.
[updated March 05 2019]
New paper out: manuscript on the role of psychopathic traits in cooperative behaviour
Great work by our lab members Martina Testori and Thehela Harris, and our collaborator Rebecca Hoyle. Here is the online version.
[updated February20 2019]
Great work by our lab members Martina Testori and Thehela Harris, and our collaborator Rebecca Hoyle. Here is the online version.
[updated February20 2019]
Now published: Impact of early life stress on internalising and externalising symptoms, and the role of primary and secondary psychopathy in that model
Awesome collaboration with colleagues from the IBG at CU Boulder. Find the paper online here.
[updated February 12 2019]
Awesome collaboration with colleagues from the IBG at CU Boulder. Find the paper online here.
[updated February 12 2019]
Martina's paper accepted by Royal Society Open Science: How group composition affects cooperation in fixed networks: can psychopathic traits influence group dynamics?
Stay tuned for the in press version!
[updated January 30 2019]
Stay tuned for the in press version!
[updated January 30 2019]
Paper online available: Evaluation of a questionnaire measuring Shame to appear in ASSESSMENT
Great collaboration with Corinna Scheel and Katrin Rentzsch, online available now here.
[updated December 28 2018]
Great collaboration with Corinna Scheel and Katrin Rentzsch, online available now here.
[updated December 28 2018]
Paper on "Peer relationships and prosocial behaviour differences across disruptive behaviours" accepted with ECAP
Great to work with Sara Milledge from University of Southampton's Department of Psychology on this project and thanks to the SHARE database collaborators!
See: DOI: 10.1007/s00787-018-1249-2
[updated: October 30 2018]
Great to work with Sara Milledge from University of Southampton's Department of Psychology on this project and thanks to the SHARE database collaborators!
See: DOI: 10.1007/s00787-018-1249-2
[updated: October 30 2018]
acrinlab moved to VIC (NZ)
The afcrinlab is now part of the School of Psychology at the Victoria University of Wellington 9n New Zealand, check out here.
[update June 2018]
The afcrinlab is now part of the School of Psychology at the Victoria University of Wellington 9n New Zealand, check out here.
[update June 2018]
Another paper accepted
...on the differential impact of Fearless Dominance and Self-centered Impulsivity on professional success, to appear in the Journal of Economic Psychology.
[update: January 12 2018]
...on the differential impact of Fearless Dominance and Self-centered Impulsivity on professional success, to appear in the Journal of Economic Psychology.
[update: January 12 2018]
Paper accepted
...on psychopathic traits in Youth as measured with the PPI-R and the YPI and compared with self-reported criminal behavior
to appear in the European Journal of Psychological Assessment
[update: January 5 2018]
...on psychopathic traits in Youth as measured with the PPI-R and the YPI and compared with self-reported criminal behavior
to appear in the European Journal of Psychological Assessment
[update: January 5 2018]
New paper on characteristics of female forensic inpatients
[update: January 5 2018]
[update: January 5 2018]
New paper on P3 modulation
Different aspects of psychopathic traits in youth modulate the P3
[updated: December 2017]
Different aspects of psychopathic traits in youth modulate the P3
[updated: December 2017]
Altounyan Prize awarded to Thehela Harris
Congratulations for receiving the Altounyan Prize for her BM Thesis on "Investigating the effects of psychopathic traits on decision-making in the context of emotional feedback in a Prisoner’s Dilemma Game"
[updated: May 4 2017]
Congratulations for receiving the Altounyan Prize for her BM Thesis on "Investigating the effects of psychopathic traits on decision-making in the context of emotional feedback in a Prisoner’s Dilemma Game"
[updated: May 4 2017]